Under 15min Meditations

Under 15min Meditations

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Under 15min Meditations
  • Inner Conflict Resolver

    Inner conflicts are the result of an imbalance of pranic flow in the body. This meditation will redistribute the flow of prana through your body by using the breath. By creating sitting in the space between the inhale and exhale we will create a balance of pranic flow so that you feel peaceful an...

  • Build Your Own Power of Excellence

    A powerful pranayama practice for those days when you need a little bit of extra energy. Instead of reaching for sugary treats or caffeine try this class instead to bring some extra prana into your body so that you feel full of energy and vitality!

  • Readjust the Hemispheres of the Brain

    When you are stressed your body produces a big release of adrenaline which can make you feel anxious if your body is in a state of stress often. This creates an imbalance in the brain and feelings of overwhelm and stress become your normal. This meditation will bring harmony back into the brain, ...

  • Meditation for Releasing Anger & Negativity

    A short 3 minute mediation to release anger, frustration and any negativity that is weighing your down. We'll get straight into the practice without tuning in to clear your energy field.

  • Meditation to Become Calm & Steady

    A short & simple meditation class great for those new to yoga or for seasoned meditators to come back to when you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed or having trouble sleeping. We will calm your nervous system so that you can stay calm and steady in the face of stress.

  • Meditation for Energy, Health & Radiance

    Feeling low in energy, flat or moody? This breath meditation will build prana in the body, allowing you to feel bright, radiant and healthy. As we breathe our breath brings us prana - the source of our energy and vitality. The more consciously we practice this pranayama, the more prana we will bu...

  • Meditation for the Neutral Mind

    In yogic teachings we look at the mind as having three facets - the positive mind, negative mind and neutral mind. The neutral mind is the meditative mind, we come into this mind when we go deep into meditation. We will use the mantra WAHE GURU to merge into the infinite light. The repetition of ...

  • Meditation for the Positive Mind

    In yogic teachings we look at the mind as having three facets - the positive mind, negative mind and neutral mind. The Positive Mind sees the positive essence of all situations and beings. It is expansive and allows you to become naturally optimistic. The positive mind can be dampened by the nega...

  • Meditation for the Negative Mind

    In yogic teachings we look at the mind as having three facets - the positive mind, negative mind and neutral mind. The negative mind is our default mind, the one we turn to for protection. Sometimes the negative mind can become dominant and overpowering. Instead of just activating when our surviv...

  • Complete Adi Mantra for Individual Meditation

    The Adi Mantra centres you into the Higher Self and reminds your lower mind that it is not your ego. This mantra is the creative projection of the mind through sound. By practising this meditation, it allows you to be guided by your higher consciousness and makes you very receptive to messages fr...

  • Full Moon ~ Antar Naad Meditation

    Full Moon Meditation to channel the kundalini energy and open the chakras. This meditation connects you to the infinite flow to bring prosperity, creativity, and protection. It will bring you power to your words and help you to make intuitive decisions to conquer the ugliness of life.

  • Evening Meditation for Rejuvenation

    This evening meditation is powerful to rebalance the glandular system and calm the mind before bed. The glandular system is the guardian for your health and immunity. We will use a segmented breath to bring the diaphragm into a rhythm and calm the nervous system. This meditation can make you feel...